We are looking for an installer

Do you need an installer to mount KLEIN systems? We recommend the installers of our network of KLEIN professionals. We select the best professionals close to your work, so you don't waste time.

We put at your disposal a wide range of professionals at your service

We put at your disposal a wide range of professionals at your service:

At KLEIN we want to facilitate both the installation of the system and its assembly. For this reason, if you don't know how to install our systems or you don't have time to carry out the assembly, we provide you with a list of KLEIN installers to save time during installation.

Find a KLEIN installer near you

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Type of installation or project

Puerta corredera


Reforma hostelería

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Obra nueva oficinas

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Paneles o puertas de cristal

Paneles o puertas de madera

Our installers


318, Avinguda Mare de Déu de Bellvitge, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalunya, ES, (08907)

932 98 87 87

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Aluminio Mata

29, Calle Veracruz, Málaga, Málaga, Andalucía, ES, (29006)

952 36 14 14

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Comercial Malasa

42, Rúa Tapia, Cambre, A Coruña, Galicia, ES, (15679)

981 66 28 87

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Km 20, M-404, Griñón, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES, (28971)

918 10 48 41

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n37, Travesía da Ramallosa, A Ramallosa, A Coruña, Galicia, ES, (15883)


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Vidres Berni

57, Via Laietana, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, ES, (08003)


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938 50 49 39

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12, Calle de Lorenzana, Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, ES, (28039)

914 59 58 29

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Cristalería Ramos y Ramos, S.L

15, Poligono Empresarial, Ourense, Galicia, ES, (32792)

988 51 94 24

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